Feel free to download, print, and colour-in this beholder - really, anything that is in accordance with the Fan Content Policy linked above (i.e. you cannot use this for commercial work, but donations are okay). If you do use it, or modify it, and repost it elsewhere I would appreciate it if you linked back to me as the creator of the original line art. This helps me provide more content like this in the future. A simple "line art by @MontfordTales" would do me a thousand favours.
Download the full-size lineart here. Enjoy!
This was originally made for @RexSeptOctusDuo's Magical Firearms supplement. You can find this, and all his other work, on his Ko-fi page - if you enjoy this image, please take a look at his hard work. I made this to support him, and I hope in this iteration it supports him too.